We are happy to announce that inaugural class of our Masterclass and Challange is graduating these days.
This is a specialised training program developed specifically for founders and CEOs of IT service companies outside of Western countries.
Over the years we have worked with hundreds of founders and CEOs of IT service companies, and we know quite well what are some conceptual things they need to know to be able to plan their business strategy better, run their business better, delegate better and, ultimately, sell more to the customer that they love working with.
This program’s creation was largely inspired by the massive revenue and value-added per employee discrepancy between countries in Western and Eastern/Southern Europe.

Eurostat data indicates that the value-added difference between these countries is two to five times.
We believe this is grossly irrational, particularly knowing that most software development, web and mobile design and UX design specialists in East Europe deliver services of higher quality than those in the West.
We invite every founder of a company that is involved in providing IT services to consider participation in the Masterclass.
The best path forward is to start by viewing our free webinar recordings, such as How to Sell IT Services as Products, which SaaS Innovation Hub, a platform sponsored by Microsoft, hosted.
Another alternative is to view our on-demand webinar, How to Sell IT Services, hosted on this website.

Based on the first class’s success, the coming courses’ starting dates have been announced.
November class starts on November 11th, and the January class on January 7th, respectively.
Learn more and register on the Masterclass and Challange page!